Richard Broughton’s 1946 Veterans Air Line images and press clippings are invaluable to Gaye Lyn’s research.
When I meet Richard Broughton’s youngest son Craig and Craig’s wife Carol for the first time in late July (2017), they arrive bearing gold. Or so it seems to me. Craig brings 1946 Veterans Air Line images and clippings. He produces a folder full of press coverage I’ve never seen before, several with photo captions containing names totally unknown to me. Like the four mechanics working on a STRIP-ACT interior refurbishment of an ex-military, now civilian Veterans Air aircraft.1
Abraham Glass, Newark, NJ
Samuel Fazzone, Elizabeth, NJ
William S. Hounsell, Union, NJ2
Salvatore Carlonza, Orange, NJ
STRIP-ACT is one of seven photos in a full-page news article that ran in The Sunday Star-Ledger (NJ) in April 1946. Two other photos feature Veterans Air as Michael Sullivan, reporter, takes an in-depth look at three other Non-sked cargo carriers which the newspaper has tagged as “Air Truckers.”
Well worth reading, the article broadens and demonstrates what all the Non-skeds had in common. The full-page article appears at the bottom of this Post (as you may already know).
Sullivan introduces ACT, Air Cargo Transportation, Corp; Hoosier Air Fright Corp; Trans-Carribean Air Lines, and in the third column he writes:
This image – CALF PREFERS GOOD JERSEY EARTH – shows and names a young man, Gus Kaloss, for whom I had vigorously searched since November 2015. But until now, I had met with absolutely no success. More photos of Gus later.
Here, Gus coaxes a young calf aboard Veterans Air DC-4 bound for Athens.3 The flight contracted by UNRRA will carry three dairy calves donated by The Borden Company to aid the Greek War Relief efforts. Photo Credit: The Sunday Star-Ledger.
Okay. Stop. I’m way ahead of myself. Come meet Craig. And pretend you see Carol sitting with us!
(Wish I were a natural shutterbug – like Dick Broughton was. Once again, I totally neglect to take very important photos. This time of both of Dick’s daughters-in-law! Carol in Florida, Craig’s wife. And Mary in Kentucky, Bob’s wife! My apologies, Carol and Mary. And my loss!)
Carol, Craig and I meet up in Port Orange, just south of Daytona Beach, Florida, on 28 July (2017) at a great seafood restaurant called Our Deck Down Under – so named because it’s under a bridge! (Clever!) Getting there is a short detour for me from the RV park in Lake Worth to Jacksonville were I am overnighting. And it is about 40 miles toward the ocean for Carol and Craig.
We pull into the parking lot at exactly the same time and sit in Gracie to look at Craig’s treasures. I must say how much I enjoy their company for the next two or three hours.
Richard Broughton, Veterans Air Line First Officer and shutterbug.
After many squeals of excitement at the incredible press clippings (Yes, I squealed! I know I did!), Craig smilingly hands me his dad’s photo album. I’ve already been benefactor of other fabulous Dick Broughton photos…but this is exceptional.
Broughton “snapped” the three crated-calves inside the DC-4 — the aircraft he is about to co-pilot with Captain Morgan Cooper Walker to Athens. Many, many years later, when Dick tells his sons Craig and Bob the story, he recalls quite clearly it was an odoriferous journey as well!
Now let’s see what happened upon delivery…
Look at the fabulous photos of the calves being greeted by an enthusiastic crowd like celebrities in Athens. Complete with welcoming kisses!
And so, one more time, we get to see Gus Kaloss...the Greek American, 4-H “handler” who cared for the calves in transit. As mentioned earlier, I continue searching for Gus (aka Constantine). In August 1946, the flight crew records show he was from Somerville, NJ, and was 17 years old. Today, he’d only be 88 or 89 – a real youngster in the Veterans family!
(Dear Reader, then-young Gus may later have chosen animal husbandry or farming as his career according to vague, unsubstantiated information I’ve dug up. With these photos from Broughton, matched to other photos he took, I may have a better chance of locating Gus (Constantine) Keloss. Let me know if you can help find him!)
Gaye Lyn
Shutterbug gets caught on camera!
Just had to include this photo. It was in Dick’s photo album. Not sure when or where it was taken; don’t care. It captures a walk with the confidence of a superb pilot. And I’m betting he certainly was. The photo speaks to me and I want to share it.
Once again, I’m visiting “family.”
With this trip to meet Carol and Craig, one more time I feel like I’m visiting family. Yes, Craig and I have spoken on the phone and exchanged all kinds of information and emails since October 2015 when I found him. But still, I marvel at and love the way the Veterans Air “families” meet and greet.
October 2015…If your Dad is the Richard Broughton who flew DC-4’s for my Dad’s airline…
On the other hand, can you imagine Craig’s reaction to this private message on 28 October 2015 via a website called goodreads? (I got Craig’s name, sadly, from his father’s obituary.4 But when I sent this message, I still had no idea if he was the right Craig Broughton.) My message read:
Craig, forgive this round-about contact, but I hope you’ll read this.
If your Dad was the Richard Broughton who flew DC-4’s for my Dad’s airline in 1945-1946, I’d really love to be in touch with you. My Dad was Saunie Gravely, founder of Veterans Air Express & Veterans Air Line, based at Newark, NJ. I know for certain that the Broughton I’m seeking was co-pilot on a United Nations relief flight to Athens in August of 1946. Sadly, I also know that he passed away in 2011. My condolences. I started my research too late. I would love to have known him.
If I have the wrong family, I apologize, but would appreciate an answer to this message anyway – just so I know.
Here is my website, so you can understand my research project.
www.veteransair.orgI hope to hear from you.
Gaye Lyn Gravely
Now, almost two years later, having RV’d 2,360 miles, on Day 12 of my VAE trip, we meet in person. And Craig and Carol bring me gifts from his dad. Not just the clippings and photos, but stories — and their friendship.