1946 Warsaw 5-Part series by Michael Frome

Headlines. Washington Post Editor’s notes.
By-lines: Michael Frome

Navigates DC-4 to Warsaw for Veterans Air in June 1946.
Unveils “the ruins” of Warsaw in five articles for The Washington Post readers.







This series is a monumental credit to Michael Frome’s investigative ability and writing skills. It also demonstrates a tremendous confidence in Michael by The Washington Post given the sensitivity and timing of the subject matter. Michael personally gave me approval to share The Post articles6, videos he created, and other messages that appear in stories about him on this website. I am sharing headlines here so you can get a glimpse into this part of his character and career.

1 Michael Frome, "Behind Iron Curtain: Heart of New Polish Nation Throbs in Ruins of Warsaw,"The Washington Post, June 2, 1946, Front Page and "POLES," 8, Col 3
2 Michael Frome, "Life Escape-Proof Tomb: People's Will to Start Anew Only Ray of Hope in Warsaw,"The Washington Post, June 3, 1946, Front Page and "POLES," 2, Col 3.
3 Michael Frome, "Poles to Require Aid Well Into 1947,"The Washington Post, June 4, 1946, 2.
4 Michael Frome, "Official Denies Poles Turning Red,"The Washington Post, June 5, 1946, 4.
5 Michael Frome, "Poland Has Pressing Need of Loan From U.S., Mikolajczyk, Leader of Peasant Party, Says,"The Washington Post, June 6, 1946, 3, Col 4.
6 While Michael Frome personally gave me approval as the author to share The Post articles, I have fully footnoted them above should you wish to seek them out and read them in their powerful entirety.

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