1945 Crew list grows from 22 to 62

Founded in 1945 by a few now grown 62 by April '46, this non-sked brims with talent and determination.

Non-sked Crew list grows from 22 to 62…in less than a year.

I started this research project on my Dad’s airline in April 2015.  My only information about Veterans Air Express crew and personnel consisted of a list with 22 names – 23 counting my Dad’s.  Air Transport (July 1946) published their story saying, “They founded an air service by working three months for nothing.” 1

Those men were my entry point.  From there, I searched numerous databases as I unearthed them.  Plus I benefited greatly from fabulous research librarians across the country.  And my Veterans Air Express crew list of 22 now stands at 62!  (I’ve read there were as many as 104!)

Robert C. Chambers, Veterans Air Express DC-3 Chief Pilot, sits discussing paperwork with Harvey G. Stevenson, company Vice President and attorney.
On right, Robert C. Chambers, VAE DC-3 Chief Pilot, speaks with Harvey G. Stevenson, VP and company attorney. Photo Credit: Newark Star Ledger, 2/25/1946. Photo thanks to Chambers family.

Of the 62, I have found 12.  I’ve personally met three of the men:
Jack Stettner 2
Thomas Cowart 3
Edward Martz. 4 

Two families found me through my website: 
son and grandson of John Greenleaf 5
son of William Jakeman. 6

Further, I discovered the families of: 
Bernard Shmanske 7
John Noll 8
Charles Eason 9
Robert Gries 10
Richard Broughton 11
And, most recently, Robert C. Chambers 12

I’ve also met:
Marilyn Gries (Bob’s widow) 13
Paul Eason (Charles’ son) 14.

Frederick Foster was on my “discovered families list,” but the research was confusing. It also included mention of his time with Veterans Air Express in his Obituary: “After the Korean War, Mr. Foster joined Veterans Air Express, flying farm animals and produce from the U.S. to Europe as part of the Marshall Plan reconstruction efforts.” 15 The Korean War dates were June 1950 through July 1953 – unfortunately long after Veterans Air’s tenure.

To my extreme pleasure, I’ve gathered treasured stories, cherished photos and exceptional clippings from these families.  Best example are all the images in this Post.  They come from files of Robert Chambers.  Our deep appreciation to his son, Bruce, for providing them.

The clock is tick, tick, ticking.

This coming May (2016), I’m making a much anticipated trip to Prague16.  There, I will celebrate the 70th anniversary of a Veterans Air Express Prague flight for the UNRRA.  After returning to the States, I will spend nine days (May 23 – 31) researching the air line from its place of origin – northern New Jersey.

I need a base of operations to spread out my materials and concentrate on serious investigation. So I’ve rented a lovely room in a private home close to Newark and Teterboro Airports and the Aviation Hall of Fame and Museum of New Jersey.  If you are within my tri-state range, I hope to be seeing you!

Dear Reader, next November (2017), less than a year from writing this Post, I will be asked to present the “Unfolding Story of Veterans Air Express” at the Aviation Hall of Fame and Museum of New Jersey by their Executive Director, Shea Oakley.17

“Jersey boys.” Brooklyn. The Bronx. Long Island.

My May focus will be “Jersey boys” who joined Veterans. And the men and women from Brooklyn, the Bronx and Long Island who likewise found their way to this great adventure.  Some flew domestically.  Many crewed the UNRRA trips.  Others turned wrenches.  Still others were both pilots and administrators.  They just did what needed doing.

The staff includes 25 ex-pilots who between them hold 23 DFCs, 96 Air Medals, 72 battle stars, 3 Silver Stars, 7 Purple Hearts and a Croix de Guerre….a total of more than  60,000 flying hours and have flown every type of Army plane

New York World-Telegram (6 May1946)

These fine men and women (all WWII Vets) were drawn to the dream of their own aviation company…

(When you hover over each image for one or two seconds, their Captions will appear.)

Better yet, here’s the whole page! Complete with age wrinkles from 1946.18


It’s thrilling to have images to match names on my list of the men and women I’ve not found yet.  I still comb data bases to find any shred of information about their lives before, during and after Veterans.  I’m indescribably motivated to find my 90-somethings (aka Nonagenarians).  In near-future, I’ll post the entire List of 62 Veterans Who Dared to Dream.  Perhaps a familiar name will inspire you to join my search.  

My best,
Gaye Lyn

1 George Herrick, "Veterans Air Express. Anything. Any Place. Any Time," AIR TRANSPORT, July 1946, 36; List of 22, bottom 37.
2 "Yesterday I spoke with Jack Stettner. Fireworks pale." Veterans Air Website, 2015-07-25. https://veteransair.org/co-founder-jack-z-stettner-stockholder-pilot/
3 "Thomas E Cowart. From farm boy to WWII International Flight Engineer." Veterans Air Website, 2015-12-12. https://veteransair.org/thomas-e-cowart-international-flight-engineer/
4 "Proud to have met 1946 Veterans Air Express Navigator Ed Martz." Veterans Air Website, 2015-12-22. https://veteransair.org/edward-martz-navigator-on-international-unrra-flights/
5 "Web browsing grandson asks dad if this is grandfather Greenleaf’s stories." Veterans Air Website, 2015-08-19. https://veteransair.org/co-founder-john-w-greenleaf-sr-discovered-by-iii/
6 "60,000 hatching eggs delayed in Portland ME." Veterans Air Website. NOTE: Capt. William Jakeman agreed to local photo press coverage that provided heretofore unknown info on many Veterans Air Crew members. https://veteransair.org/3-prague-trip-radio-loss-forces-portland-landing/
7 "Bernard Shmanske, one of the first Veterans Air pilots." Veterans Air Website, 2015-04-28. https://veteransair.org/bernard-shmanske-d-c-3-pilot-stockholder/
8 "Found a Founder! John J. Noll. Veterans Air Website, 2015-05-11. https://veteransair.org/john-noll-among-core-founders/
9 "Charles F. Eason, Sr., first non-pilot, non-aviator." Veterans Air Website, 2015-06-09. https://veteransair.org/charles-eason-non-pilot-veterans-air-express-founder/
10 "Robert Gries fills needed roles for Veterans Air." Veterans Air Website, 2015-07-16. https://veteransair.org/robert-f-gries-core-founder-manager/
11 "Richard Broughton’s 1946 Veterans Air Line images and press clippings are invaluable." Veterans Air Website, 2017-08-26. https://veteransair.org/1946-veterans-air-line-images-surface/
12 "Meet Bruce. Son of Veterans Air DC-3 Chief Pilot. I did." Veterans Air Website, 2016-07-23. https://veteransair.org/met-robert-chambers-son-bruce-25-may-2016/
13 "Face-to-Face with spunky, gracious Marilyn Gries, Robert's Army Air Corps bride." Veterans Air Website, 2017-08-02. https://veteransair.org/face-to-face-2017-with-1945-hostess-marilyn-gries/
14 "Son and grandson of Veterans Air Express Charles Eason, Sr., visit us in Santa Fe." Veterans Air Website, 2015-11-02. https://veteransair.org/paul-eason-son-of-charles-eason-sr/
15 Jon Anderson, Tribune Staff Reporter. "Fred Foster, 79. WWII pilot, pioneer in TV ads." Obituary. Chicago Tribune, June 1, 2003.
16 "Veterans Air Express research trip 2016. First stop PRAGUE." Veterans Air Website, 2016-06-30 https://veteransair.org/research-trip/
17 "Unfolding Story of Veterans Air, 1945 Non-sked air line." Presentation at the Aviation Hall of Fame and Museum of New Jersey at Teterboro Airport, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. Invited by AHOF Executive Director, Shea Oakley. Veterans Air Website, 2017-11-15. https://veteransair.org/non-sked-story-at-nj-aviation-hall-of-fame/
18 "From Air Forces to Air Line." The New York World-Telegram, Monday, May 6, 1946, Full-page, 9-photo story, 14.

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